Code Development

Best data structure for high quality results

Properly arranged study data is key for all subsequent processing activities, including biostatistics

Harald Goldner

Lead Code Developer

When different sources generate different data, we follow highest quality standards to convert and integrate data and to bring it into ready-to-use shape for any purpose required.

Our experienced Code Development team sets up all non-statistical project activities where programming is required, ensuring consistent, sound and reliable output.

Assign DMB Code Development Services:

  • Set-up and review of data transfer specifications
  • SAS* Programming
  • Reprocessing of EDC system data
  • Set-up for conversion, reconciliation and integration of external data
  • Set-up of automated SAE Reconciliation, Protocol Deviation collection
  • Programming of offline data validation checks
  • Set-up of various automated reports (e.g., status reports, patient profile reviews, medical coding lists, centralized monitoring reports)
  • Set-up and Generation of CDISC deliverables (SDTM)

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